Your website is more than just a way for you to add your contact information and list of services to the giant mass of content that is the internet. It is a way to convert visitors to customers. It is a way to show the world your personality, your mission, and your story.

Your digital marketing strategy

Your website is the most important piece of your digital marketing strategy. It serves as the hub for the information relating to what products or services you are promoting. Your digital marketing funnel always leads ultimately to whichever actions you would like visitors on your website to take – contact, purchase, download, etc.

This involves a continued process of testing and optimization for each page so that a higher percentage of website visitors end up taking desired actions, also called Conversion Goals.

To make full use of the potential of digital media to market your products or services, your website must also be seen as an integrated piece of a larger strategy that involves social media and email as well as traditional marketing practices.

One of the services I offer is to provide your company with resources to develop a complete digital marketing strategy as well as provide the design resources to implement once your strategy has been developed.

Your company brand

A company brand is more than just a logo and some marketing pieces. It is an identity that is built up over time. Some of the greatest company brands are instantly recognizable to the general public and serve to set them apart from their competitors. Your website can be a great tool for displaying your company brand through use of content, imagery and style.

Photos, videos, illustrations, animation, colors, font style, and layout must all be carefully considered in regards to what is appropriate to use for your company’s unique brand. Design can also be used to set your website apart from competitors and become more memorable to your potential customers.

Style of writing, terminology, videos, audio, and the overall tone of the website is all vital to the brand you are presenting for your company. A new visitor should easily be able to determine what the company is all about and find it appealing within moments of viewing the content on your website. If not, you may risk losing them forever.

I strive to help my clients understand the importance and value of their website and the potential returns that it can deliver on their investment if aligned properly with their brand and digital marketing strategy.

Final thought

As a final thought, it is important to consider the fact that a website should be ever growing and evolving. Simply creating a website then forgetting about it is a sure way to get lost in the endless amount of websites currently existing throughout the internet. In order to succeed at your company’s goals of converting visitors to customers and enhancing your company brand, you must be willing to invest time and energy into the ongoing process of developing, testing and optimization. Only when that investment is made, will you begin to see greater returns.